Local Delivery


*Please see our postcode coverage below.


EH22, EH37, EH38, EH23, EH26, EH25, EH24, EH20, EH19, EH18, EH17,

If order is placed before 6pm we will deliver your order the same day.

Delivery is between 6pm and 9pm.

We are looking into a tracking app to allow for more accurate tracking of deliveries.

We operate a challenge 25 policy please be prepared to show ID upon delivery.

For this reason, Someone over the age of 18 must be home to recive the parcel.

We cannot leave the parcel in a safe place.

Local delivery is free on all orders over £20.

There is a small delivery charge for smaller orders, this varies depending on the delivery area. this can be found at the checkout.

Customer support

01875 899 566

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